Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Harry Belafonte

You were about eight months old when you heard Harry Belafonte for the first time. You loved his music. That's something you inherited from your grandfather. Dida Toni. I grew up with Harry's music, I liked it, but not like you. I would listen to your grandpa's select tunes on a cassette over and over again during different road trips. I still have a reflex when a "Island in the sun" song is about to end to start singing the famous "day'o". I'll explain cassettes to you one day. When I get a cassette player.
You would think that "Day'o" was about you. You would flinch every single time. Genuinely curious and cute to die for. 
You should know that I tried to push you to classical violin. Your excitement lasted from when you were 6 months until half an hour after I played Ma vlast by Smetana.
But Harry you chose. 
And you would sometimes sing his songs.
On the day I am writing this he passed away. 
He wasn't a big part of my life until you made him that. And I feel sad. Perhaps so you wouldn't.
Remember people through their deeds.
You made Harry live beyond his lifetime every time you sang "Te'o".

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